There are many wonderful things about working at the ILRC, but among the best is watching the people we serve achieve their individual goals.
Toccara James our Community Work Incentives Counselor met a remarkable, young woman named Kelsey Adams through our Work Incentives Planning & Assistance Office (WIPA). The WIPA office has certified benefits counselors who can provide individuals with an personalized plan to help make informed choices about employment and answer any questions a person may have about SSA policies (also known as Work Incentives).
Kelsey currently works as a scanning documents specialist in the human resources department at the W&O Supply Company.
Kelsey has worked for the supply company for almost three years now. She first heard about the job because of the University of North Florida’s On Campus Transition Program (OCT).
The Transition Program is for students with intellectual disabilities. The program is possible because of a partnership with the ARC Jacksonville and UNF. OCT provides young adults with the opportunity to have a life changing college experience as a part of their journey to independence. Students are able to participate in all aspects of college life. Participants in the program are also mentored by student peers.
Kelsey’s mom, Susan Adams said that being part of UNF’s On Campus Transition has been a great experience for Kelsey. “She’s learned a lot of practical skills through her participation."
To get a better look into Kelsey’s daily work life, we asked her a few questions about her job, and her favorite things about working at the supply company.
Christina Graw: So, Kelsey what’s your title at work?
Kelsey Adams: I’m a scanning documents specialist.
CG: What kind of work does your job involve?
KA: I shred a lot of paper for the office, and help scan documents whenever I need to. I also help with checks, invoices, and deliveries.
CG: It sounds like you have a lot of work to then!
KA: I do. But, I enjoy being busy at work.
CG: What’s are your 3 favorite things about your job?
KA: There are a lot of things I enjoy! I love the people I work with. My boss, Brenda is great. She is nice and fun. I also really like dressing down on Fridays.
CG: How did you feel a few years ago when you originally got this job?
KA: I was so excited!
CG: What's one of your favorite things to buy once you get paid?
KA: That's hard. I love food, clothes, makeup and art stuff. My favorite stores to shop at are Forever 21 and Dillards's.
CG: You have great taste! I love those stores as well. You've been doing such a fantastic job working at W&O, what are your plans for the future?
KA: I love where I work, so I plan on staying there for awhile.
Kelsey is approaching her three year anniversary at work this April. She not only loves working and being surrounded by people, but she also enjoys the sense of accomplishment that comes with a good job. "The independence I get through my job is great," said Kelsey.
Susan Adams, Kelsey's mom completely agrees with her. "Kelsey's job is wonderful because it challenges her daily."
To learn more about our Work Incentives and Planning Assistance (WIPA) Office be sure and catch our No Limits Comcast show on Thursdays, channel 99 at 6:00 p.m. This month we interviewed one of our WIPA counselors, Danielle St. Onge about social security, working, and receiving benefits.