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Remembering Mr. Jones

Robert A. Jones was best known for his passion and commitment to helping the disability community.

Jones was a long time friend of the agency and member of the ILRC Advisory Committee. Mr. Jones passed away this week. But, the impact he made in the disability world is sure to live on.

Jones was an active participant in a number of different disability councils and boards. Here are all the boards Jones participated in:

1. Jacksonville Council of the Blind

2.Mayor's Disability Council, Jacksonville Disadvantage Coordinating Board and the Jacksonville Transportation Advisory Committee,

3.  First Coast Disability Advocates

4. Florida Christian Fellowship for the Blind of Jacksonville.

5. Council of Elderly Affairs for Duval County

6. The Advisory Committee for the Independent Living Resource Center

7. The Advisory Committee for Independent Living for the Adult Blind

8. St. Augustine Alumni Association

9. Task Force for Regional Planning

10. Eldersource Task on Transportation, and the sub committee on accessible voting machines

Life Well Lived:

Robert accomplished many great things throughout his life, but one of his greatest achievements was helping to get the Braille and Talking Book Library moved to the downtown Jacksonville library.

Jones also attended Transportation Day in Tallahassee as a representative for Duval County for the last 6 years. Director of Disabled Services for the City of Jacksonville, Beth Meyer said, "Jones was very dedicated to helping people in the disability community." He consistently addressed the Duval Delegation and City Council to discuss transportation and pedestrian street crossing issues.

Many Accomplishments: 

Jones served as the president for the Jacksonville Council for the Blind, all being involved in the Florida Council of the Blind Access, Scholarship, and Constitution and By-Law Committees. He was the immediate past Treasurer for the Coalition of Concerns of the Totally Blind.

Robert joined the American Council of the Blind in 1976 and was a life time member. But, Robert was not all work, and no fun. He greatly enjoyed bowling. In Cincinnati, Ohio he was the president of the Cincinnati Bowling League and American Blind Bowling Association. He won all events in the totally blind men's category in Canada.

Jones also served on boards outside Ohio and Florida. He was a member of the Illinois affiliate of ACB. He became a representative to Washington, DC for Legislative Day. Robert served in all 4 GE officer positions and as a delegate to the nominating committee at ACB national conventions.

Robert is also a supporting member of ACB's Braille Revival League, Randolph Shepard Vendors, and the Diabetics Association.

"Jones always took every opportunity to speak loud and clear on many disability related issues," said Meyer. "Robert will always be well remembered in the Jacksonville disability community."

Services for Mr. Jones are set for 10:00 a.m.August 5th

at the Southside Baptist Church.

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